Who we are
ALBA SUD is a Catalan association, specialized in Research and Communication for Development, and founded in Barcelona in 2002. The association also has presence and collaborators in several Latin American countries (currently in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Mexico), and presents itself as a platform of exchange and joint work between professionals from distinct disciplines related to the Research and Communication for Development from different parts of the world. ALBA SUD sees Research and Communication as tools to service proposals on transformation and emancipation, in fight against inequality and in support of societies with higher levels of equity.
ALBA SUD comes forth from the shared necessity between people coming from popular movements and specific sectors within the International Cooperation community, to make more and better critical and rigorous analyses available about the reality in which it is intervening. It also provides analyses about the impacts and the reach of the actions and tools of development. The association is equally preoccupied with the necessity to improve social communication strategies and to generate a public opinion in favor of these processes of change and social emancipation. Examples of such processes are the provision of access to information about the different resources that are available, as well as the learning generated in a practical form through daily social intervention.
The mission of ALBA SUD is to contribute to the improvement of these strategies, tools, and interventions in favor of development. It aims at achieving this by carrying out studies and research, and by producing and dispersing educative and communicative resources, such as strengthening the work of the association of countries in the South with likeminded objectives and intentions.
Legal registration
ALBA SUD is inscribed with the ‘Registro de Asociaciones de Generalitat de Cataluña’, with the ‘Registro de la Agencia Catalana de Cooperación al Desarrollo’ (ACCD) and with the ‘Registro Nacional de Asociaciones del Estado Español’.