The Transforming Tourism Initiative and SDG 8
Frans de Man | Retour Fountation - Alba Sud
Document with a strategy proposal for the international incidence of the 8th Sustainable Development Goal, developed by the NGO platform Transforming Tourism, from the agreements reached in the Berlin Meeting the past March 5th, 2019.
1. SDGs, From goals to targets to indicators
2. SDG 8 and tourism
The SDGs are indivisible and should be implemented in an integrated manner, in other words all of them should be taken into account in the development of tourism. Nevertheless, tourism is also specifically addressed in SDGs 8, 12, 14. In this paper we will focus on SDG8: “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”. It addresses tourism directly in target 8.9: “By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products” which has two indicators, 8.9.1: “Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate” and 8.9.2: Proportion of jobs in sustainable tourism industries out of total tourism jobs”.
SDG 8 combines the targets of economic growth and of decent work into one goal, as if they somehow are inherently linked. Where there (arguably) is a connection between economic growth and the creation of jobs, there is no automatic link between growth and the decency of jobs [1]. Integrating both targets into one SDG seems less a logical and more a discursive argument, suggesting growth will lead to decent work. This discursive character is illustrated by the SDG8 logo. The full negotiated and official text first deals with “growth”, prioritizing it over “full and productive employment” and only then the concept of “decent work” is introduced. The logo however, the highly visible representation and first (and often only) thing people see, foregrounds decent work by situating it prior to economic growth.
In this paper we will deal with four issues in SDG 8 that, in our opinion, from the perspective of NGOs committed to sustainable development and responsible tourism, should be addressed to establish justifiable indicators:
- Growth and development
- Liberalization
- Differentiation between North and South
Decent work
The issue of decent work has long been recognized as a priority by many, on national and international levels and including unions and intragovernmental bodies such as ILO, UNDP, UNEP and UNWTO. Although the importance of the concept itself is unanimously embraced, things become more challenging once the concept is being operationalized and priorities and urgencies being identified. From a tourism worker’s perspective, most NGOs fighting for worker’s rights agree on four developments that raise concern:
- Growing number of types of contracts that do not safeguard worker’s rights, often resulting from the growing phenomenon of sub-contracting.
- Increasing flexibilisation of jobs, resulting in unacceptable workloads and diffused job descriptions and tasks.
- Growing number of health issues
- Failure in addressing gender equality and gender violence
Although ILO and labor unions agree on the relevance of these issues and have brought them to the negotiation tables, there have been hardly any signs of positive developments on work floor level.
“It (SD) contains within it two key concepts:
- the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding
priority should be given; and
- the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the
environment's ability to meet present and future needs."
The Rio 92 conference that followed the report, and its Agenda 21, elaborated on this distinction in article 38.1 where it states that problems of environmental degradation should be addressed in the context of: “efforts to promote sustainable and environmentally sound development in all countries and that the promotion of economic growth in developing countries is essential”. Essentially Agenda21 makes two important distinctions here. The first one is between sustainable and environmentally sound development and the other between developed and developing countries. We will come back to the North-South distinction in one of the following paragraphs. Interesting for the development debate is the suggested difference between sustainable and environmentally sound. Where “environmentally sound” refers the second key concept of Brundtland’s definition “limitation”, “sustainable” would also encompass the first: “the essential needs of the world’s poor”, referencing and including an important social element from the development and justice debate: redistribution of income and reducing economic inequality. Further reference to a distinction between growth and development is found in paragraph 9.7. where the eradication of poverty is linked to sustained economic growth on the condition that this growth “should be coordinated with social and economic development in an integrated manner with a view to avoiding adverse impacts on the latter, taking into full account the legitimate priority needs of developing countries (UNCED 1992, para.9.7)
25 years later, in Agenda 2030 (United Nations General Assembly 2015a) the distinction between growth and development is less obvious. Although in its preamble, the Agenda sets ambitious goals in developmental concepts, it later turns into a much more rigorous advocacy of economic growth. The preamble outlines 5 goals for sustainable development:
- to end poverty and hunger everywhere;
- to combat inequalities within and among countries;
- to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies;
- to protect human rights and promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls;
- and to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources.
Thus development is defined with one environmental goal and four in the social sphere referencing justice by relating to combatting inequalities, to the re-distributional aspects of development and to the North-South debate.
Not mentioned in the pre-amble, the concept of economic growth is introduced in paragraph 3, initially as a means to “create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all’ and from there on gains traction, reducing the 5 social and environmental goals to adjectives, connected seemingly randomly to the economic growth concept, as sustainable, sustained ii and/or inclusive [2]. Only inclusive seems to relate to the social justice and re-distributional aspects of development while Prosperity, another concept crucial for its distributional effects on growth, is never mentioned again. Eventually economic growth evolves from being a means to a full-fledged goal with a legitimacy of itself in SDG 8.
In the responsible tourism debate the relation between growth and development has been questioned by NGOs since the 1980s, when it started, focusing on issues of justice, redistribution, trickle down and North-South relations. In this paragraph we will not elaborate on these debates. We will focus on the issue of tourism and growth, which has been pushed to the forefront recently with the attention for overtourism [3]. Overtourism is not new and has been around since the concepts of Carrying Capacity and LAC found their roots in it decades ago. Where a most of the current debate focuses on mitigating policies, more critical approaches address structural issues such as the exponential growth of tourism, its relentless promotion by powerful interests and the relation between economic growth and tourism in general. A relating issue that should be seriously addressed is the question how growth through tourism is measured and calculated. Although “leakage” effects have always been recognized there is hardly any serious attempt to quantify them and to actually subtract them from tourism incomes before claiming the profits of tourism growth. An acknowledgement of this hiatus by tourism experts was surprisingly exposed when the Travel Foundation asked them if tourism income covered the costs and “they answered with a resounding “no”. All those around the table—academics and representatives from businesses and destinations—accepted that tourism isn’t paying its way” [4]. A complicating factor is that systems to measure tourism, like the UNWTO’s Tourism Satellite Accounting are often not adequate to measure real growth (illustrated by the misleading 1 billion tourist arrivals claim), let alone development. A serious debate on tourism, growth and development can only have meaning after these issues have been addressed.
In the era that the roots of the sustainable tourism debate were laid, around the UN-CSD-7 (1999) and the International Year of Ecotourism (2002), the debate on liberalization and tourism had a good momentum, addressing the negotiations on GATS and WTO. Research by Equations and Tourism Watch in 1999 (Seifert- Granzin & Jesupatham 1999) showed that the tourism sector is very much affected by liberalisation and that tourism companies play a big role in it. To liberalize trade and services it is paramount that sectors can be defined, delimited and compared and that measurable indicators are in place. This has proven to be very complicated in a complex and undefined sector like tourism, making the weaker stakeholders in tourism vulnerable for (the legal departments of) corporations in negotiation and litigation procedures under the WTO.
UNCTAD therefore warned for the consequences of the GATS agreement: “Developing countries should not open their service sectors too quickly for foreign companies since it does not automatically lead to growth and actually costs money: local businesses are forced out of the market and jobs lost with negative effects on basic social services and culture. (..) More policy is needed to secure local business assets, prevent displacement and minimize negative effects on job creation”. According to the 1999 research the debate should address the implications of liberalization for the:
- Market position of service providers in developing countries in an international competitive environment
- Options for self-determined development
- National sovereignty
- Participation of the local population
- Safeguarding of human rights
- Environmental protection and sustainable resource use.
The concept is very relevant in (international) tourism since in hardly any other sector there is a bigger distinction in interests and responsibilities between North and South with one mainly being the source market and the other the destination. The history of destinations is fundamentally with Northern destinations mostly staring out serving domestic market while development of southern destinations served Northern tourists and interests. Changes in tourism over the past decade however have affected these responsibilities with tourists from developing countries flocking out to the world and the South developing domestic tourism. The effects on the CBDR of these developments have hardly been addressed.
3. SDGs and sustainable tourism indicators
4. UNWTO and Criteria
The rationale of developing tourism indicators for the SDGs is to create a “robust follow-up and review mechanism” in a process in which stakeholders can have a say. It is imperative for NGOs involved in sustainable development and tourism, to challenge the responsible institution, the UNWTO, on its vagueness and lack of commitment to decent work, its blind faith in growth and liberalization and its negligence in recognizing differentiated responsibilities between North and South. But the necessary data on how UNWTO is progressing are hard to find. The website of UNSTATs, dedicated to showing progress in real time, has no data available for the two relevant tourism indicators 8.9.1 and 8.9.2. A more in-depth search on the UNWTO website however produced documents that reveal their attempt to rewrite the SDGs, adapting them to their own agenda. A year ago the UNWTO reported to the IAEG [12]. that in 2020 ”a final and complete SF-MST [The Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism] will be submitted for consideration by the United Nations Statistical Commission”. In order to develop this framework, UNWTO proposes to replace indicators 8.9.1 and 8.9.2 with a single indicator "Progress towards sustainable tourism" with three sub-measures “that provide a good (conceptually precise and feasible) indication of the 3 dimensions of sustainable tourism (economic, social and environmental)” (UNWTO 2018a). In the motivation UNWTO’s first argument addresses the context: “While Target 8.9 has many parts, within the context of Goal 8 it is understood that its main focus is about "promoting sustainable tourism”. This however is an incorrect representation of the focus of the “parent” SDG 8, which is about growth and decent work. Target 8.9 should elaborate the contribution of (sustainable) tourism to these two specific goals. The UNWTO then argues that: “for actual attainment of the target, indicators that track "outcomes" are more valuable than indicators that track "intentions" (i.e. policies)”. Addressing intentions, policies and commitments however is crucial for the SDGs in order to be able to hold stakeholders accountable for outcomes, precisely the terrain where Civil Society can exert its influence.
As a conclusion, it is quite remarkable and worrying that the UNWTO has not been able to come up with a “solid framework of indicators and statistical data” required to measure SDG 8, especially since decent tourism jobs and the relation between growth and tourism have been center to the sustainable tourism debate since its beginning in the 1990s.
5. What role can Civil society play in the indicator debate?
Whatever path of participation is chosen, a sense of urgency is required. In 2020 the indicators will have to be established and from then on many conditions shaping the influence of Civil Society in content and in procedures will be laid down for the next decennium. If NGOs do not represent the interests of their constituencies in the process up to the finalization of the indicators, these interests will have a lesser change of being recognized, defended, supported and taken into consideration in evaluations of Agenda 2030.
Seifert-Granzin, J. & Jesupatham, O.S., 1999. Tourism at the Crossroads, Challenges to Developing Countries by the New World Trade Order. EPD Entwicklungspolitik, VI.
UNCED, 1992. Earth Summit‘92. The UN Conference on Environment and Development - Agenda 21. Reproduction.
United Nations, 2012. The Future We Want. Outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. In Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. New York:United Nations.
United Nations General Assembly, 2015a. Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. New York.
United Nations General Assembly, 2015b. Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development, UNWTO, 1982. Acapulco Document, Acapulco.
UNWTO, 2011. Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for tourism.
UNWTO, 2017b. Report of the Manilla meeting of the Measuring Sustainable Tourism, Manilla, the Philippines. UNWTO, 2018a. Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism, Draft Consultation,
UNWTO, 1985. Tourism Bill of Rights. Soifa, Bulgaria: UNWTO General Assembly.
UNWTO, 2018b. Tourism for Development – Volume I: Key Areas for Action.
Ye, J., 2016. The CBDR Principle in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies.
[2] Not related to, but confusingly and heavily leaning on the positive connotation of “sustainable”.
[3] In my opinion this is a dominant but discursive misinterpretation. Already in the late eighties, a large part of civil society in Goa protested through fierce actions against the overtourism by Germans and hippies. Almost all tourism development projects, carried out by development agencies, specifically addressed the importance of respecting the Carrying Capacity or LAC, to avoid “overtourism” as experienced in many southern communities. For many NGOs in the Global South it is hard to swallow that overtourism is only seen as a problem now that it hits the North (they see it as another typical example of the dominance of the North in the sustainability debate).
[4] The quote is: “But are travellers covering their costs? Experts at a roundtable event organised by Cornell University were asked that question and they answered with a resounding “no”. All those around the table—academics and representatives from businesses and destinations—accepted that tourism isn’t paying its way. Our industry is undervaluing its shared products—the destination “assets” visitors enjoy, such as beaches, biodiversity, heritage sites and infrastructure.” The reasons for this include: a) Residents footing the bill for shared infrastructure; b) Underinvestment in destination maintenance (with most tax revenues being diverted to marketing and promotion); c) Economic “leakage”, where as much as 80% of tourism revenue leaves the country due to taxes, wages, and profits being paid outside of a country, and due to importing food and other goods; d) Government subsidies and tax incentives which distort the commercial costs of tourism Retrieved 10-4-2019 on: https://goodtourismblog.com/2018/05/goodbye-freeloading-hello-free-thinking-the-travel- foundation-asks-who-pays/ 3/7
[5] https://cic.nyu.edu/blog/global-development/do-common-differentiated-responsibilities-belong-post- 2015-sdgs
[6] This is work in progress, which can be checked at the UNSTATS website.
[7] UNWTO coproduces many documents with other institutions but they do not reflect UNWTO’s own position. The only documents that do are those that are ratified by their general assemble, such as the Code of Ethics (and the Framework) and declarations like those of Chengdu.
[8] Before addressing the UNWTO’s position we should note that the tourism target 8.9 only mentions the creation of jobs and nothing about decent jobs, which might generate complications.
[9] here are early mentions in the Manilla and Acapulco declarations: “Nations should promote improved conditions of employment for workers engaged in tourism and confirm and protect their right to establish professional trade unions and collective bargaining”, ”reasonable limitation of working hours (and) periodic leave with pay” and more recent mentions (Tourism for Development, 2018, Sustainable Tourism for Development Guidebook 2013, Framework convention 2017) “..tourism’s ability to bolster decent work is a complex issue” with “unsocial and irregular working hours, low pay, low job security, a lack of social security and protection, weak career prospects, unhealthy working conditions, and vulnerability to discrimination and exploitation”, “Local populations should (..) share equitably in (,,) the direct and indirect creation of jobs”, “should be given adequate social protection”, “a specific status, with particular regard to their social welfare, should be offered to seasonal workers in the sector”, “job insecurity should be limited”
[10] “Goals 8, 12 and 14 (...) relate, respectively, to inclusive and sustainable economic development, sustainable consumption and production, and sustainable use of oceans and marine resources”, “targets relating to sustainable tourism are explicitly referenced in SDG 8 on inclusive and sustainable economic growth”.
[11] Press release by UNEP and UNWTO, https://www.unenvironment.org/news-and-stories/press-release/harnessing-power- one-billion-tourists-sustainable-future retrieved 19-10-2018
[12] La IAEG-SDGs es la Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators.
[13] However, already in 1999, paragraph 36 (b) of the concluding document of the UNCSD-7 has addressed the flaws of the TSA asking for “Including environmental and social accounts in the development of “tourism satellite accounts”, which cover only the economic costs and benefits of tourism.” (World Tourism Organization - UN. Secretary-General, 1999, page 11)
[14] Felix Dodds has written a number of articles and books on this.
[15] For instance the Worldbank is trying to stretch the concept of CS by including the private sector: “The Bank traditionally focused on NGOs in its operations and dialogue, given their prominent role in development activities. Today, however, there is general acceptance that the Bank must reach out more broadly to CSOs, including not just NGOs, but also trade unions, community-based organizations, social movements, faith-based institutions, charitable organizations, universities, foundations, professional associations, and others.” (World Bank, 2007).
[16] Felix Dodds quoting Maurice Strong.
[17] Strandenaes compares access and participation for non-state actors where HPLF in contrast to CSD does not allow access and participation to all negotiations and meetings, nor to all delegates on the floor. One of the elements most missed are the CSD Multi-stakeholder Dialogues. And finally some transparency is missing since the CSD was negotiated in accessible rooms but where the HLPF does debate and report, it is not clear where the final ministerial declaration is negotiated.
[18] For instance the representation to the UNWTO in the Netherlands is shared between a number of departments, none of which is very active (nor enthusiastic for that matter) on UNWTO issues.
[19] According to F. Dodds in his forthcoming book on Stakeholder Democracy with Minu Hemmati and Carolina Duque, planned to be released by Routledge in the summer of 2019.
CSO: Civil Society Organizations
DDA: Doha Development Agenda
CBDR: Common but Differentiated Responsibilities
ECOSOC: United Nations Economic and Social Council
EIF: Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GATS: General Agreement on Trade in Services
HLPF: High Level Political Forum
IMF: International Monetary Fund
ITC: international Trade Center
LAC: Limits of Acceptable Change
LDC: Least Developed Country
ILO: International Labor Organization
NGO: Non Governmental Organization
SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals
SF-MST: The Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism
UN: United Nations
UNCED: United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
UN-CSD: UN Commission on Sustainable Development)
UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDESA: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UNDP: United Nations Development Fund
UNEP: United Nations Environment Fund
UNSD: United Nations Statistical Department also known as UNSTATS and Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization
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