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Actualidad Alba Sud | Turismo Responsable


Transforming Tourism Talks with Regina Scheyvens

From the Transforming Tourism Initiative we are launching a new format based on interviewing people from the academic sector and civil organizations about tourism from transformative perspectives. 

Crédito Fotografía: Imagen de Transforming Tourism Initiative

To start this new line of work of the Transforming Tourism Initiative, we met in Barcelona, during the  Alba Sud’s Summer School, with Regina Scheyvens, professor and co-director of the Pacific Research and Policy Centre from the Massey University of New Zealand. Professor Scheyvens has worked fundamentally in the sustainable development of tourism and the empowerment of communities, mainly located in the Pacific. She has more than twenty years of expertise in the field and her work has received international recognition.

This brief interview, conducted by Carla Izcara, from the technical team of Alba Sud, it’s in English and is constructed under three main questions. Firstly, we asked Scheyvens how she would define inclusive tourism. Next, we raised the doubt about, in a post-pandemic context; whether we were closer or further towards more inclusive tourism. To finish, we wanted to know which are the obstacles that prevent us from reaching more inclusive tourism. 

To know more about Regina Scheyvens’ work we invite you to watch her intervention in Alba Sud’s Summer School where she shares her last work about tourism futures in the South Pacific islands. 

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