Transforming Tourism Talks with Raoul Bianchi
From Transforming Tourism Initiative we continue with the launch of a new format of interviews with people from academia and civil society on tourism from transformative perspectives.
Photography by: Image from Transforming Tourism Initiative
This past July we met in Barcelona, during the Alba Sud Summer School, with Raoul Bianchi, Reader in Political Economy and coordinator of the Visitor Economies and Development research group at Manchester Metropolitan University, England, and collaborator of Alba Sud. Bianchi has mainly worked on the social, economic and spatial patterns of tourism development, and has also published on issues related to international tourism, border governance and citizenship.
This short interview, conducted by Ernest Cañada of the Alba Sud team, is in Spanish, subtitled in English, and is based on the question of what are the dynamics of change identified in the shaping of tourism-related capitals and their implications for tourism work.
For other Transforming Tourism Talks check this interview with Regina Scheyvens about inclusive tourism. We also invite you to watch Raoul Bianchi's intervention at the Alba Sud’s Summer School on the struggle for decent work in tourism from a political economy perspective.
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